Powerful answers

Verizon’s known as a telecom. What most people don't know is that they were behind some pretty amazing innovations and solutions. To outflank competitors in wireless, we jumped into the arena with a more elite group: Google, IBM and GE.

Consumers noticed. As did Wall Street. Even cooler? Verizon was flooded with resumes from students from some of the most prestigious and competitive universities in the world.


launch Film

Directed by Lance Accord, Park PIctures.
Ad Age


Directed by Lance Accord, Park Pictures.
Creativity Editors Pick: Attendance


Directed by Lance Accord, Park PIctures.
Creativity Editors Pick: The Brave


Directed by Lance Accord, Park PIctures.
Creativity Editors Pick: Black Diamond


The powerful answers award

To increase the volume of innovation for Verizon, we built an innovation pipeline for the campaign. CEO, Lowell McAdam committed 10 million in startup capital in support of ideas that can change the world. Winners were announced at CES 2014.

Tech Crunch









